There are two major parts to the Mexico Auto API. The Vehicle API which is used to get the ID's for Makes and Models of vehicles. The other is the Quote / Issue API, which allows you to
Quote / Issue API
There is a complete example request and an example response for your perusal.
The Quote / Issue API is a JSON API broken up into several sections. Because each action will update the database, the HTTP POST verb should be used.
Required for Quote
Required for Issuance
auth - Provides authentication to v3's servers. Required for all requests.
- username - Your v3 username.
- api_key - This will be supplied by an account rep from IIG.
- agtdst - Additional information for specifying an agent / district code. Required for certain affiliates.
- office_code - Additional information for specifying agent's originating office. Required for certain affiliates.
quote - Travel information and existing quote number. Required for quotes.
- effective_date - MMDDYYYY formatted date for when the customer is entering Mexico.
- expiration_date - MMDDYYYY formatted date for when the customer is returning from Mexico.
- quote_id - Quote number for an existing quote to be modified or purchased.
policy - Details of which policy is being purchased. Required to purchase.
- underwriter_id - Underwriter number returned with a quote.
- term - "daily", "sixmo" or "annual". How long of a policy?
limits - Coverage limits. Optional.
liability - Third party Liability Limit.
- If not provided, default of $100,000 liability limit is used.
Available options are:
- 50000
- 100000
- 300000
- 500000
- extended_travel - Include or exclude MexVisit Travel Assistance.
medpay - Medical payments limits. Split or CSL.- No longer available due to over-complicated nature of medpay.
legal - Legal assistance limit in CSL.- No longer available due to over-complicated nature of legal.
liability - Third party Liability Limit.
power_unit - Details about the vehicle being insured. Some fields required for quote, others for policy.
- type - Type of unit. Should always be "power".
style - What type of vehicle?
- 1 - Car / Pickup / SUV.
- 5 - Motorcycle.
- 6 - RV.
- year - Year of vehicle.
- make - ID number of the vehicle's Make.
- model - ID number of the vehicle's model.
- value - Float value for the actual cash value of the vehicle.
- vin - Vehicle identification number.
- license_plate - License plate number.
- license_plate_state - License plate state, 2 digits. "AZ", for example.
- registration - US State of registration, "MX" for Mexico, or "Other" for other non-Mexico registrations.
- us_insurance_company - Company name of US insurance carrier.
- us_insurance_policy - Policy number for US insurance policy.
- us_insurance_expiration - MMDDYYYY of US policy expiration date.
ownership - How is the vehicle owned?
- financed - Owned and make payments
- leased - Leased
- owned - Owned and do not make payments
- other_owner - Borrowed from Friend / Family
- rental - Rented
- finance_company - Company name of financing agency. All of the following fields are required if ownership is "leased" or "financed".
- finance_account - Account number for loan / lease.
- finance_address - Address of the finance company.
- finance_city - City for the address of the finance company.
- finance_state - State for the address of the finance company. 2 digits.
- finance_zip - Postal code for the address of the finance company.
towed - An array of towed units. Optional unless the client will be towing anything.
type - Numeric type of the towed unit.
- 10 - Tent Trailer
- 11 - Travel Trailer / Fifth Wheel
- 12 - Utility or Boat Trailer
- 13 - Boat (List trailer separately)
- 14 - Vehicle (Car, SUV, Pickup, Motorcycle)
- 15 - Toy Hauler
- 16 - Pop-up Camper / Camper Shell / Truck Camper
- year - Model year of the towed unit.
- value - Value of the towed unit. Formatted as a float.
- make - Make of the towed unit. Free form, less than 128 characters.
- model - Model of the towed unit. Free form, less than 128 characters.
- license_plate - License plate of the towed unit.
- license_plate_state - License plate state of the towed unit.
- vin - VIN of the towed unit. Not validated since VIN can be somewhat random on towed units.
type - Numeric type of the towed unit.
underwriting - Underwriting questions required for all quotes. Each of these uses the JSON true/false values, except where noted.
- 180_days_in_mexico - No Longer used. Can be sent, but not required.
- business_use - No longer used. Can be sent, but not required.
- drivers_under_21 - Are there any drivers under 21 who will be driving the vehicle?
- collision_in_us - Does the client carry collision and theft coverage on their US policy?
- fixed_deductible - Quote with fixed deductibles or percentage?
- beyond_freezone - Set "true" if you are staying in the free zone of Baja / Sonora, set "false" if you are traveling beyond the free zone of Baja / Sonora. This is absolutely backwards, so be careful.
days_veh_in_mexico - How many days per year is the vehicle in Mexico? Multiple options:
- '1' - Less than 30 days per year.
- '2' - 31 to 90 days per year.
- '3' - 91 to 180 days per year.
- '4' - Over 180 days per year.
visit_reason - Reason for going to Mexico? Multiple options:
- '1' - Driving to Vacation Destination / Tourist Visa.
- '2' - Visiting Friends or Family.
- '3' - Business/Work/School/Frequent Commuter.
- '4' - Temporary Mexico Resident Visa Holder.
- '5' - Permanent Mexico Resident Visa Holder.
policyholder - Details about the owner of the policy.
- first_name - Owner's first name.
- last_name - Owner's last name.
- company_name - If the vehicle is owned by a company, list that name.
- address - Mailing address.
- city - Mailing address city.
- state - Mailing address state, two digits.
- zip - Mailing address postal code.
- phone - Phone number, numbers only.
- email - Email address.
- password - Password for logging into IIG's website after purchase. Never required, we will create a password for them.
- license_number - Driver's license number.
- license_state - Driver's license state.
drivers - An array of additional drivers. Optional. Additional drivers do not need to be listed on the policy.
- first_name - Additional driver's first name.
- last_name - Additional driver's last name.
payment - Self explanatory. Required for issuance.
type - What type of transaction?
- agent - Agent collects payment in house and IIG will sweep the money from their account.
credit_card - Collect credit card payment via Braintree.
- This option has a seperate Credit Card Guide.
nonce - Required for credit_card sales.
- Generated by the Braintree Javascript API, see the Credit Card Guide for details.
- agent_key - Required for Agent Issue transactions. Provided by IIG.
type - What type of transaction?
Vehicle API
The vehicle API, in order to allow integration directly into client side scripts, uses a simple HTTP GET request. Other than power and year, the arguments are intended to be specified in order. Sending "type", "vehicle_type" and "year" will return a list of models, for example. Example request and responses are available.
- type - Always "power".
vehicle_type - The type of vehicle.
- 1 - Car / Pickup / SUV.
- 5 - Motorcycle.
- 6 - RV.
year - Model year of the vehicle. This currently does not effect the output, but is required as future focus.
- Adds a "makes" array to the return with make names and ID numbers.
For example:
"makes":[{"label":"Acura","id":403},{"label":"Alfa Romeo","id":546}, ... ]
make - Make ID returned after "vehicle_type" specified.
- Adds a "models" array to the return with model names and ID numbers.
For example:
"models":[{"label":"Accent","id":1670},{"label":"Accord","id":304}, ... ]
model - Model ID returned after "make" is specified.
- Adds a "body_styles" array to the return with body styles and ID numbers.
For example:
Edit / Endorsement API
The edit / endorsement API allows affiliates to modify personal information on a policy via the API. Specifically, the details of the Power Unit and Policy Owner.
- auth - See the Quote / Issue API. It is replicated for this API.
policy - What policy are we looking for?
- policy_id - The unique ID of the policy we want to edit. This is not the policy number.
edit - This holds all of our edit information. Any of the sections or individual items can be excluded if they are not being changed.
policyholder - Details about the policyholder. The information here is, again, replicated from the quote request section and should be self explanatory.
- first_name
- middle_name
- last_name
- address
- city
- state
- zip
- phone
- password
- license_number
- license_state
powerunit - Details about the power unit. Again, this is replicated from the quote request section and should be self explanatory.
- license_plate
- license_plate_state
- vin
- finance_company
- finance_address
- finance_city
- finance_state
- finance_zip
- finance_account
policyholder - Details about the policyholder. The information here is, again, replicated from the quote request section and should be self explanatory.
The return values are the same as the input. If nothing has changed, the value of the return will be null. If something has changed, the return will be an object with "new" and "old" values of that field. For example, let's say we need to add the middle name "Michael" which was not specified in the original policy. The return may look like:
{ "policy":{ "policy_id":"123456" }, "edit":{ "policyholder":{ "middle_name":{ "new":"Michael", "old":"" } }, "power_unit":{} } }
The URL for the policy documents will remain the same, but there will be an extra page with a log of the changes.